Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
Offer healthy food and set standards in public institutions and other specific settings
Use economic tools to address food affordability and purchase incentives
Restrict food advertising and other forms of commercial promotion
Improve nutritional quality of the whole food supply
Set incentives and rules to create a healthy retail and food service environment
Harness supply chain and actions across sectors to ensure coherence with health
Inform people about food and nutrition through public awareness
Nutrition advice and counselling in healthcare settings
Give nutrition education and skills
The NOURISHING database is based on the NOURISHING policy framework, a tool designed to help policymakers, researchers and civil society organisations worldwide take action to tackle unhealthy diets.
NOURISHING comprises a comprehensive package of policies to promote healthy diets and reduce obesity and non-communicable diseases. Each letter in the word NOURISHING represents one of ten areas where governments need to take action.
Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
The evidence suggests people who want to eat well use nutrient lists to choose healthier options. Interpretative labels help them when they find the labels hard to understand. Nutrition labels also create incentives for food manufacturers to reformulate their products, so helping populations more broadly by increasing the availability of food of higher nutritional value.
Clear standards are also needed on the use of nutrient and health claims. Evidence shows these claims alter the perception people have of these products – making it essential that they do not mislead.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Mandatory nutrient lists on packaged food*
Trans fats included in mandatory nutrient labels
Clearly visible "interpretative" labels and warning labels
On-shelf labelling
Calorie and nutrient labelling on menus and displays in out-of-home venues
Warning labels on menus and displays in out-of-home venues
Rules on nutrient claims (ie nutrient content and nutrient comparative claims)
Rules on health claims (ie nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims)
Interested in finding out more about front-of-pack labelling?
The second report in our Building Momentum series, Lessons on implementing a robust front-of-pack food label, provides advice to policymakers about designing and implementing a front-of-pack food label in the face of various challenges caused by lack of political will and industry interference. Case studies are included throughout the report from countries who are in the process of, or who have already implemented a front-of-pack label.
Offer healthy food and set standards in public institutions and other specific settings
We know from the evidence that making fruit and vegetables available in schools increases consumption. There is also evidence that food standards to restrict availability have the effect of reducing consumption of the restricted food.
For these actions to be effective for all children, they need to be sustained over time and accompanied by complementary behaviour change communication techniques, such as "modelling", school gardens, and communication to all stakeholders involved in the provision and consumption of school food. Worksites and healthcare also present strong potential for improved eating among adults.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Fruit & vegetable initiatives in schools
Mandatory standards for food available in schools including restrictions on unhealthy food
Mandatory standards for food available in schools and in their immediate vicinity
Voluntary guidelines for food available in schools
Bans specific to vending machines in schools
Standards in social support programmes
Standards in other specific locations (eg health facilities workplace)
Use economic tools to address food affordability and purchase incentives
Empirical estimates show that food prices influence, to a varying degree, how much food people buy. Targeted subsidies have been shown to help overcome affordability barriers to healthy food for people on low incomes. Incentives, like financial rewards or price discounts, have also been shown to encourage people to switch to healthier options.
Emerging evidence from implemented taxes, as well as modelling studies, indicate the potential for effectiveness to reduce consumption. Given food choices are influenced by a whole host of factors, especially in modern, complex food markets, taxes must be designed very carefully to maximise effectiveness.
Please note, $ refers to USD.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Health-related food taxes
Voluntary health-related food taxes
Increasing import tariffs on specified "unhealthy" food
Lowering import tariffs on specified "healthy" food
Targeted subsidies for healthy food*
Interested in how to design and implement a sugar sweetened beverage tax?
Check out the first report in our Building Momentum series, Lessons on implementing a robust sugar sweetened beverage tax. It seeks to provide overarching guidance on how to design a robust sugar sweetened beverage tax that will help overcome issues of lack of political and public will as well as mitigate the risk of lawsuits and trade disputes. To illustrate the main points, case studies are woven through the report.
Restrict food advertising and other forms of commercial promotion
There is clear evidence that the advertisements children see influence their food preferences and habits. There is also a lot of evidence that children and adolescents around the world are exposed to a whole host of other promotional techniques, whether on a billboard or through a phone or computer.
Emerging evidence shows that restrictions work to reduce children’s exposure to marketing, but this depends on the criteria used in the restrictions. Given the role played by parents and caregivers in what children eat, consideration is needed of how they are also influenced by promotional activities.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Mandatory regulation of broadcast food advertising to children
Mandatory regulation of food advertising on non-broadcast communications channels
Mandatory regulation of food advertising through any medium
Mandatory regulation of specific marketing techniques
Mandatory regulation of marketing of specific food items and beverages
Mandatory regulation of food marketing in schools
Mandatory requirement that advertisements must carry a health message or warning
Voluntary regulation of food advertising on non-broadcast communications channels
Government engage with industry to develop self-regulation to restrict food marketing to children
Government support voluntary pledges developed by industry
Interested in learning how to design and implement a robust marketing restriction of unhealthy food and drink for children ?
Check out our Building Momentum report, Lessons on implementing robust restrictions of food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing to children, which provides advice to policymakers about designing and implementing restrictions around marketing food and non-alcoholic beverages high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) to children. This includes how to use a rights-based approach and overcome challenges such as industry interference and policy inertia.
Improve nutritional quality of the whole food supply
We are all influenced by the food that is available and affordable when we grow up, and the habits of the people around us. That’s why people in different countries and communities consume differently. We know that when the food supply changes, so does what people eat. This is why we need to improve the quality of the food supply. Evidence from salt reduction indicates that people’s tastes can change.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Voluntary reformulation of food products
Voluntary commitments to reduce portion sizes
Mandatory limits on level of salt in food products
Mandatory removal of trans fats in food products
Limits on the availability of high-fat meat products
Limits on the availability of high-sugar food products and beverages
Set incentives and rules to create a healthy retail and food service environment
The neighbourhood food environment – the retailers and other outlets where we buy our food – are the means through which people access the food supply. There is clear evidence that this environment influences the decisions we make about what we eat.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Incentives and rules for stores to locate in under-served neighbourhoods
Initiatives to increase the availability of healthier food in stores and out-of-home venues
Incentives and rules to reduce trans fat in food service outlets
Incentives and rules to offer healthy food options as a default in food service outlets
Incentives and rules to reduce salt in food service outlets
Planning restrictions on food outlets
Voluntary agreements to create a healthy food service environment in specific settings
Harness supply chain and actions across sectors to ensure coherence with health
Policies within this category aim to harness the whole food system, and the sectors which influence it, to ensure coherence with healthy eating. This is because the food system, and the policies that affect it, influence our food environment.
What our food industry produces is in part a response to incentives in the supply chain. Sectors outside of health influence our ability to take policy action. Likewise, if governments implement policies contained in NOURISHING, they have repercussions upstream for the actors and activities in food systems. This wider relationship to the food supply chain presents an opportunity to support all the policies in NOURISHING with actions in the food supply chain.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Working with food suppliers to provide healthier ingredients
Nutrition standards for public procurement
Public procurement through "short" chains (eg local farmers)
Supply chain incentives for food production
Supporting urban agriculture in health and planning policies
Community food production
Governance structures for multi-sectoral/stakeholder engagement
Inform people about food and nutrition through public awareness
Awareness is one precursor to eating well. The evidence suggests that public campaigns can boost awareness. To influence consumption, they need to be sustained and use multiple channels.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Development and communication of food-based dietary guidelines
Development and communication of guidelines for specific food groups
Public awareness, mass media and informational campaigns and social marketing on healthy eating
Public awareness campaigns specific to fruit and vegetables
Public awareness campaigns concerning specific unhealthy food and beverages*
Public awareness campaigns concerning salt
Nutrition advice and counselling in healthcare settings
People with elevated risk factors for cancer and other non-communicable diseases – such as heavy bodyweight, high cholesterol or glucose intolerance – can benefit from advice provided by their healthcare provider. Such advice can also be given to people at low risk for prevention into the future.
There is potentially a wide range of mechanisms for integrating nutrition advice into primary care, including counselling, self-help materials and tailored self-help material. Randomised controlled trials suggest they can be effective if carefully designed and well targeted. The most positive outcomes appear to be for people already at risk.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Guidelines and programmes to provide support in primary care to people who are overweight and obese
Nutrition counselling in primary care
Training for health professionals
Give nutrition education and skills
The reason for nutrition education is to improve knowledge and the ability to put that knowledge into practice. Studies have demonstrated that nutrition knowledge and healthy dietary behaviour are positively correlated. Higher levels of general education have been found to increase the ability of individuals to obtain and understand the health-related information needed to develop health-promoting behaviours.
The evidence shows that interventions to provide education can be effective, but this depends on the pre-existing attitude, knowledge and habit strength of the targeted group. Education should thus be accompanied by changes in the food environments to effect longer-lasting change.
Click on the sub-policy areas below to find out what countries are doing.
Download results (CSV)Nutrition education on curricula
Community-based nutrition education
Cooking skills
Initiatives to train school children on growing food
Workplace or community health schemes
Training for teachers or those responsible for nutrition education of children
Training for caterers and food service providers
Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
Mandatory nutrient lists on packaged food*
*Most other countries follow Guideline CAC/GL 2-1985 from the Codex Alimentarius Commission in requiring nutrition labels only when a nutrition or health claim is made and/or on food with special dietary uses
Download results (CSV)Nutrient content lists – Australia
In Australia, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a Nutrition Information Panel with declarations for specified nutrients on a per 100g/ per serving basis (with limited exceptions) even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. Additional nutrient declarations are required if a nutrition content or health claim is made. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient contents lists – Austria
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Bahamas
In the Bahamas, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Belgium
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition to the six mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts. Online sales are also covered by this regulation.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Bulgaria
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Canada
In Canada, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Chile
In Chile, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – China
In China, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Colombia
In Colombia, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Costa Rica
In Costa Rica, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Croatia
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Cyprus
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Czech Republic
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Denmark
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food. In Denmark, the regulation’s implementation is under the remit of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA).
The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients shall be given per 100 g or 100 ml of the food as sold. In addition to the six mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts. Online sales are also covered by this regulation.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Ecuador
In Ecuador, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – El Salvador
In El Salvador, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Estonia
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Heart label system
The Heart Sign Meal is a menu labelling scheme for healthy restaurant food. This scheme makes it easier for the diner to assemble a healthy meal and for the food maker to prepare healthy food. The subscriber of the food service, on the other hand, can use the Heart Sign to determine the best possible offer for its diners in the invitation to tender. The use of the heart badge in restaurants began in 2008. A heart sign is a sign found on food packaging and in restaurants that indicates that the product or food portion in question is a better option for health. The heart badge has been developed to make everyday life easier and faster. By choosing Heart Label products, you make small, health-friendly changes to your diet without having to read product descriptions or nutritional content.
A heart symbol system was introduced in 2000 by the Finnish Heart Foundation and the Finnish Diabetes Foundation. The heart symbol indicates that a product is a better choice regarding sodium and salt content compared with another product in the same food category. The heart symbol system is acknowledged by the Finnish national authorities, and the National Nutrition Council recommends consumers to use products bearing the heart symbol.
If the salt content exceeds the permitted salt content limit for certain foods important for salt intake, it must be indicated on the packaging by the words “high salt” or “high in salt”. The labelling of high salinity is determined by the amount of total salt in the food (both added and natural). The amount of sodium is converted to salt by multiplying it by 2.5 (for example, 400 mg of sodium = 1000 mg, ie 1 g of salt)
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Finland
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutri–Score- France
On 26 January 2016, the French Ministry of Health introduced Article 5 of the Health Act that recommended introducing a system of nutrition labelling. The Directorate-General for Health requested Public Health France to design the nutrition labelling and the decision to recommend the NutriScore system was informed by research that trialled four different types of nutrition labels in 80 supermarkets in September 2016. The NutriScore system was chosen as the most consumer-friendly. The NutriScore label uses a nutrient-profiling system, based on the UK Food Standards Agency model. It classifies food and drinks according to five categories of nutritional quality, indicated via a colour scale ranging from dark green to dark red. Each colour is also associated with a letter from A (dark green) to E (dark red) to make the labelling more accessible and understandable to consumers. The score takes into account for every 100 grams of produce whether the contents of the product include nutrients and food that should be favoured (positive nutrients including fibre, protein, fruit and vegetables) or nutrients that should be limited (negative nutrients including energy, saturated fatty acids, sugars, salt). The amount of nutrients per 100 grams contained in the product is scored using a points system (0–40 for negative nutrients and 0–15 for positive nutrients that should be favoured). The nutritional score of the product is calculated by subtracting the negative nutrient points from the positive nutrient points. All processed food is included, except aromatic herbs, teas, coffees and yeasts, and all beverages, except alcoholic beverages. The European Commission approved the use of the NutriScore label and on 31 October 2017 the French government signed a decree outlining that the NutriScore label would be used in France. The label is voluntary. The fourth National Health Nutrition Program plans to extend the use of the Nutri-Score to out-of-home catering and unpacked foods in the future."
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – France
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Germany
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Greece
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition to the 6 mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts. Online sales are also covered by this law.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Guatemala
In Guatemala, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Gulf Cooperation Council
In the Gulf Cooperation Council, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Honduras
In Honduras, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Hungary
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Iceland
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. The EU Regulation applies in Iceland as part of its membership on the European Economic Area.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – India
In India, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Indonesia
In Indonesia, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).Most other countries follow Guideline CAC/GL 2-1985 from the Codex Alimentarius Commission in requiring nutrition labels only when a nutrition or health claim is made and/or on food with special dietary uses.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Ireland
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition to the 6 mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts. Online sales are also covered by this law.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Israel
In Israel, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Mandatory nutrient declaration
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. In Italy, the agency responsible with the enforcement of these regulations it the Directorate General for Hygiene and Safety of Food and Nutrition (DGISAN).
The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition to the 6 mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Italy
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Japan
In Japan, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Food labeling of non-packaged foods
These regulations describe the requirement for the provision of information on non-prepacked food. Unless otherwise provided in other regulatory enactments on the circulation of food, a nutrition declaration may be indicated as energy value and amount of fat, saturated fatty acids and sugar and salt.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Latvia
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Liechtenstein
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. The EU Regulation applies in Liechtenstein as part of its membership on the European Economic Area.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists — Lithuania
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition to the 6 mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts. Online sales are also covered by this law.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrients content lists – Luxembourg
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
The Malaysian Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims
In Malaysia, a nutrient list detailing energy, protein, carbohydrates and fat per 100g/100ml and per serving must be provided on select categories of packaged food, including bread, confectionery, dairy products, canned food, fruit juices, salad dressings and mayonnaise; ready-to-drink beverages must also include total sugars. A nutrient list is also mandatory for any product bearing a nutrition claim, products with added vitamins and minerals, and special purpose food for infants and young children. Details are provided in the Malaysian Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims (2010), which reflects labelling legislation from 2003 (as incorporated into the Food Act of 1983 and Food Regulations of 1985) and subsequent amendments.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Malta
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Mexico
In Mexico, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrients content lists – Netherlands
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. In the Netherlands, the regulation has been translated into the Commodities Act Decree on Food Information (WIL).
The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) supervises the implementation of mandatory nutrient declarations on pre-packaged products. The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition to the 6 mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts. Online sales are also covered by this regulation.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – New Zealand
In New Zealand, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Nicaragua
In Nicaragua, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Norway
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. The EU Regulation applies in Norway as part of its membership on the European Economic Area.
In Norway, the Food Information Regulations outline how this regulation is applied. The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. The label must be easily legible and clearly visible, and the text must be in Norwegian or a similar language. Exceptions to these rules include, among other foods: fruits, berries, vegetables, meats, fish, eggs and nuts that are unprocessed; water with or without carbonic acid; spices or spice mixtures as well as salt; coffee and tea; foods in small packages (less than 25 cm2); alcoholic beverages containing more than 1.2% by volume of alcohol.
The manufacturer can also disclose the content of some other substances, including vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. Nutrients that are voluntary to declare:
- monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starches or dietary fibre;
- vitamins and minerals, provided they are present in "substantial amounts", i.e., 15% of the reference value for foods, and 7.5% of the reference value for drinks;
- nutrients other than those listed above (e.g., omega-3 fatty acids) cannot be stated in the nutrition declaration itself, but can be stated, preferably in the vicinity of the nutritional declaration.
Supplemental information, that apply to both packaged and unpackaged foods, include: allergen information and the designation and country of origin for fresh fruit and vegetables. In some cases, varieties must also be given. Further, radiation and genetic modification information must be given for all products.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Paraguay
In Paraguay, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Philipines
In the Philippines, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Poland
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, sugars and protein. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Portugal
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, sugars and protein. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml.
The Agency responsible with implementing this regulatuin in Portugal is the Economic and Food Safety Authority.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Romania
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition to the 6 mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts. Online sales are also covered by this regulation.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Russia
In Russia, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Slovakia
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Mandatory nutrient declaration
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Slovenia
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Special Act on Safety Control of Children's Dietary Life
The South Korean Special Act on Safety Control of Children's Dietary Life recommends colour-coded labelling for use on the front of pre-packaged children's "favourite food" including cookies/candies/popsicles, breads, chocolates, dairy products, sausage (fish or meat based), some beverages, instant noodles and fast food (seaweed rolls, hamburgers, sandwiches). Guidance for the front-of-pack colour-coded labelling was issued by Public Notice (2011), and outlines three permitted designs using green, amber and red to identify whether products contain low, medium or high levels of total sugars, fat, saturated fat, and sodium.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
The Foods Labelling Standards & The Labelling Standard for Health Functional Food
In South Korea, a nutrient list must be provided on select categories of pre-packaged food, including cookies/candies/popsicles, breads and dumplings, cocoa products, jams, oils, noodles and pasta, drinks and beverages, and food of special use. The Foods Labelling Standards were first enacted in 1996, and the Labelling Standard for Health Functional Food in 2004; both Standards have been revised several times since then. Based on the 1st Master Plan on Reducing Sugar Intake 2016–20 and the 2016 White Paper by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, further categories will be required to bear nutrient lists with a three-stage implementation between 2017 and 2022 (including cereals, ready-to-eat products and ready-to-cook products in 2017; dressings and sauces in 2018–19; Korean-style boiled grain-/meat-/fish-based food and processed food based on fruit or vegetable purees/pastes in 2020–22).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient contents lists – Spain
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition to the 6 mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Sweden
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, requires a list of the nutrient content of most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack from 13 December 2016. In Sweden, the Swedish Food Agency is responsible for the implementation of this regulation.
The mandatory nutrition declaration provides information on the contents of: energy, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. The content of energy and the amount of nutrients is given per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition to the 6 mandatory nutrients, the following nutrients may also be listed: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, polyols, starch and fibre. Minerals and vitamins may also be mentioned if they are present in significant amounts. Online sales are also covered by this regulation.
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
EU nutrient content lists – Switzerland
Nutrient content labelling is only mandatory for products bearing nutrient or health claims or sold to the EU (but most manufacturers already label nutrient content on their food products voluntarily).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Taiwan
In Taiwan, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Thailand
In Thailand, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrition declaration – UK
EU Regulation 1169/2011 provides a mandatory requirement for nutrition information to be declared on prepacked food. Local authorities enforce the regulation in Northern Ireland Nutrition information should be expressed in KJ, kcal and the amount of nutrients expressed in grams.
Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods sets out what nutrition and health claims are and sets conditions for their use.
The EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers (EU FIC) requires a nutrition declaration (list of the nutrient content) for most pre-packaged food to be provided on the back of the pack. The EU FIC is enforced in England by The Food Information Regulations of 2014 (a Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs lead). Similar legislation applies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Mandatory (“back of pack”) nutrition declaration applies to most prepacked food. It is mandatory to declare energy value in both kilojoules (kJ) and kilocalories (kcal); and the amounts in grams (g) of fat, saturates, carbohydrate, sugars, protein and salt. Exemptions are outlined in Annex V of EU FIC and included minimally processed foods and those with little nutritional value or that do not change the nutritional values of food products. The manufacturer can also choose to disclose the content of some other substances: mono-unsaturates; poly-unsaturates; polyols; starch; fibre; and selected vitamins or minerals provided they are present in ""substantial amounts"", i.e., 15% of the reference value for foods, and 7.5% of the reference value for drinks. "
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists - USA
In the US, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists – Uruguay
In Uruguay, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrient content lists - Venezuela
In Venezuela, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Mandatory nutrient lists
Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
Trans fats included in mandatory nutrient labels
Trans fat labeling – Argentina
In Argentina, the Nutrient lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.2 g per serving, expressed in g or ml of food product).
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Transfat labelling ⸻ Brazil
Nutrient lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.5g per serving, or less than 0.3g per 100g of food product).
- Label
- Leisure activities
- Low-income
- Marginalised people
- Marketing
- Mental health
- Menus
- Multi-sector
- Nutrient claims
- Nutrient profile model
- Older people
- Open space
- Outdoor activities
- Physical activity advice
- Physical activity as treatment
- Physical activity guidelines
- Physical activity promotion
- Physical activity training
- Physical education
- Planning
- Portion size
- Pregnant
- Procurement
- Programmes
- Public transport
- Reformulation
- Road safety
- Salt
- Saturated fat
- Schools
- Sedentary behaviour
- Sport facilities
- Sport safety
- Sugar
- Sugary drinks
- Sugary drinks tax
- Supply chain
- Tax
- Toolkit
- Town planning
- Traffic light
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Trans fat labeling – Canada
Nutrient lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.5g per serving, or less than 0.3g per 100g of food product).
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Trans fat labeling – Chile
In Chile, nutrient lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.5g per serving, or less than 0.3g per 100g of food product).
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Trans fat labeling – Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, in Nutrient lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.5g per serving, or less than 0.3g per 100g of food product).
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Trans fat labeling – Paraguay
In Paraguay, lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.5g per serving, or less than 0.3g per 100g of food product).
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Trans fat labeling – South Korea
In South Korea, nutrient lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.5g per serving, or less than 0.3g per 100g of food product).
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Trans fat labeling – Taiwan
In Taiwan, nutrient lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.5g per serving, or less than 0.3g per 100g of food product).
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Trans fat labeling – USA
In the USA, Nutrient lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.5g per serving, or less than 0.3g per 100g of food product).
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Trans fat labeling – Uruguay
In Uruguay, nutrient lists on pre-packaged food must, by law, include the trans fat content of the food. The rules generally define how the trans fat content must be listed, and on what basis (eg per 100g/100ml or per serving). If the trans fat content falls below a certain threshold, it may be listed as 0g (eg less than 0.5g per serving, or less than 0.3g per 100g of food product).
N Nutrition labels > Trans fats
Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
Clearly visible "interpretative" labels and warning labels
Regulation of Law No. 27,642 “Promotion of healthy eating”
In 2021, Law 27642 was passed to promote healthy eating, which includes the incorporation of labeling on the front of the container, with the PAHO nutrient profile system and black octagons for excess sugars, sodium, total and saturated fats , and calories, and two precautionary legends about sweetener and caffeine with the recommendation to avoid in boys and girls. It also includes the regulation of: advertising, endorsements, and marketing on unhealthy food packaging; advertising, promotion and sponsorship of food aimed at children and adolescents; the marketing and delivery of unhealthy foods in educational settings; the inclusion of food education in the 3 levels of compulsory education; and carrying out massive communication campaigns aimed at the entire population.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Health Star Rating (HSR)
In 2014, the Australia government implemented the Health Star Rating (HSR) system as a voluntary scheme for industry adoption. It is a joint Australian, state and territory governments and New Zealand government initiative developed in collaboration with industry, public health and consumer groups. The HSR system takes into account four aspects of a food associated with increasing risk for chronic diseases; energy, saturated fat, sodium and total sugars content along with certain "positive" aspects of a food such as its content of fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes, and, in some instances, dietary fibre and protein. Star ratings range from ½ star (least healthy) to 5 stars (most healthy). Implementation is overseen by the Food Ministers' Meeting, the Food Regulation Standing Committee and the Health Star Rating Advisory Committee. The HSR system was independently reviewed in 2019, with an updated system implemented from 15 November 2020.
Jones A et al. (2019) The performance and potential of the Australasian Health Star Rating system: a four-year review using the RE-AIM framework. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43(4), 355-365.
Jones A et al. (2018) Uptake of Australia Health Star Rating System. Nutrients, 10(8), 997.
Bablani, L et al. (2020). The impact of voluntary front-of-pack nutrition labelling on packaged food reformulation: A different-in-differences analysis of the Australisian Health Star Rating scheme. PLoS Medicine, 17(11), e1003427
mpconsulting (2019). Health Star Rating System Five Year Review Report, Health Star Rating System Five Year Review Report
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Nutri–Score – Belgium
The Nutri-Score logo was adopted in Belgium as of April 2019. Created in France, the logo is present on the front of the packaging to better inform consumers about the nutritional value of foods. The Nutri-Score is calculated using a scientifically validated method. To obtain the final product score per 100 g or 100 ml, the calculation takes into account elements to promote (the content of fruits and vegetables, legumes, fibres, nuts and proteins)and elements to limit (the content of sugars, salt, saturated fat and calories).
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Healthier Choice Symbol
The Ministry of Health of Brunei Darussalam introduced a Healthier Choice Symbol in February 2017. Products bearing the logo indicate that the products meet a set of nutrient criteria, which were adapted from Singapore’s Healthier Choice Symbol Nutrient Guidelines. Nutrient criteria exist for >60 sub-categories of foods and beverages. Food and beverages manufacturers wishing to use the symbol must acquire a food analysis report from an accredited food testing laboratory to submit with their application, which is reviewed by the Healthier Choice Committee. Approved products are permitted to use the Ministry of Health’s Healthier Choice Symbol and specific nutrition claims (eg. “lower in saturated fat”, “higher in calcium").
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Law on Nutritional Composition of Food and its Advertising (Ley 20.606)
In 2012, the Chilean government approved a Law of Nutritional Composition of Food and its Advertising (Ley 20.606). In June 2015, the Chilean authority approved the regulatory norms required for the law’s implementation (Diario Oficial No 41.193) which came into effect on 27 June 2016. The regulatory norms define limits for calories (275 calories/100g or 70 calories/100ml), saturated fat (4g/100g or 3g/100ml), sugar (10g/100g or 5g/100ml) and sodium (400mg/100g or 100mg/100ml) content considered “high” in food and beverages. All food and beverages that exceed these limits are required to have a front-of-package black and white warning message inside a stop sign that reads “HIGH IN” followed by CALORIES, SATURATED FAT, CALORIES, SUGAR or SODIUM, as well as “Ministry of Health”. A warning message will be added to products per category that exceeds the limit (eg a product high in fat and sugar will have two stop signs). The regulatory norms provide specifications for the size, font and placement of the warning message on products. The limits for calories, saturated fat, sugar and sodium will be implemented using an incremental approach, reaching the defined limits by 1 July 2018 (see "O – Offer healthy food and set standards in public institutions and other specific settings" and “R – Restrict food advertising and other forms of commercial promotion” for details of the law's school food and advertising restrictions).
Taillie LS et al. (2020) An evaluation of Chile’s Law of Food Labeling and Advertising on sugar-sweetened beverage purchases from 2015 to 2017: A before-and-after study. PLoS medicine, 17(2), e1003015.
Correa T et al. (2019) Responses to the Chilean law of food labeling and advertising: exploring knowledge, perceptions and behaviors of mothers of young children. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16(1), 21.
Jensen ML et al. (2019) Snacking patterns among Chilean children and adolescents: is there potential for improvement? Public health nutrition, 22(15), 2803-12.
Rebolledo N et al. (2019) Dietary Intake by Food Source and Eating Location in Low-and Middle-Income Chilean Preschool Children and Adolescents from Southeast Santiago. Nutrients, 11(7), 1695.
Massri C et al. (2019) Impact of the Food-Labeling and Advertising Law Banning Competitive Food and Beverages in Chilean Public Schools, 2014-2016. American Journal of Public Health, 109(9), 1249-1254.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Law 2120 of 2021- Front Warning labels
All edible or drinkable products classified according to processing level with excessive amount of critical nutrients established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, shall implement a front labeling where a warning seal is incorporated, which shall be of high preventive impact, clear, visible, legible, easily identified and understood by consumers, with unequivocal messages warning the consumer of excessive contents of critical nutrients. Under law 2277 the nutritional values were estbalished for warning labels. These include Warning labels must be placed on drinks that contain 100mg or more of sodium per 100ml and 6g or more of sugar per 100ml.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The "Healthy Living" Guarantee Mark
In 2015, the Croatian Government introduced a voluntary front of pack nutrition label called the “Healthy Living" Guarantee Mark. The logo is a green coloured cloud image accompanied by the name of the Croatian Institute of Public Health written in Croatian. Nutrient criteria for the "Healthy Living" Guarantee Mark is based on the recommended daily intake of energy and selected nutrients (total fat, saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, sugars, proteins, salt) per adult (EU Directive on the provision of food information to consumers No. 1169 /2011, Annex XIII, Part B, Regulations on the provision of food information to consumers (OG 8/2013)). There are nine groups of products (milk and dairy products; fats and oils; fruits, vegetables and their products; beverages – water and tea included; cereals and grain products; confectionery; meat, fish and processed meats and fish; pre-prepared meals; other) included in the nutrition profiling system. Nutrients considered include total fat, saturated fat, trans fatty acids, sugar, sodium, fibre, added aroma and preservatives. The aim of the logo is to; stimulate food companies to improve and reformulate the composition of their products; encourage healthy product promotion; help consumers quickly identify healthier options when making food purchases; and facilitate purchasing decisions.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Whole Grain Logo
The Danish Whole Grain logo was launched in January 2009. It was developed by the Danish Whole Grain Partnership, which is comprised of the Danish Food Administration and Health NGOs (the Danish Cancer Society, the Danish Heart Foundation and the Danish Diabetes Association) and commercial partners (millers, bread, rice, pasta producers, retailers, craft bakeries and cereal producers). The Partnership aims to increase the availability of whole grain products and enhance knowledge of the positive effects of whole grain. Products must meet nutritional criteria set by a working group of the Partnership chaired by the Danish Food Administration that includes representatives from all types of partner organisations. In addition, products bearing the Whole Grain logo must also fulfill the Nordic Keyhole’s nutrient profile to ensure the logo does not appear on products high in fat, sugar and/or salt. It is mandatory for products bearing the Whole Grain logo to include this statement: “The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration recommends 75g whole grain per day as part of a varied diet” and “This product contains XXg whole grain per 100g”. A logo manual covers all aspects of use and promotion of the Whole Grain logo.
Greve C & Neess RI (2014) The Evolution of the Whole Grain Partnership in Denmark. Copenhagen Business School & the Danish Whole Grain Partnership, Frederiksberg.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Keyhole Logo
The Keyhole was launched as the official nutrition label in Denmark in 2009. As od 2021, the Keyhole can be found on more than 4000 pre-packaged foods. The label is a positive voluntary labelling scheme with 32 categories. Snack foods such as confectionary, sweet drinks, crisps and cakes cannot use the label. Criteria are based on the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations and are set to increase the intake of fruit and vegetables, wholegrain and dietary fibre and decrease the intake of fat, especially saturated fat, added sugar and salt.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
El Reglamento de Etiquetado de Alimentos Procesados (No. 4522)
A regulation of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador published in November 2013 (No. 4522, El Reglamento de Etiquetado de Alimentos Procesados) requires packaged food to carry a “traffic light” label in which the levels of fats, sugar and salt are indicated by red (high), orange (medium) or green (low). Full compliance with the regulation was required by 29 August 2014.
Freire WB et al. (2017) A qualitative study of consumer perceptions and use of traffic light food labelling in Ecuador. Public health nutrition, 20(5), 805-813.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Nutrient labels ⸻ El Salvador
In El Salvador, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving). Most other countries follow Guideline CAC/GL 2-1985 from the Codex Alimentarius Commission in requiring nutrition labels only when a nutrition or health claim is made and/or on food with special dietary uses.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Warning labels on high–salt food
National legislation regarding the compulsory use of warning labels on high-salt food in Finland has been in place since 1993. The legislation is applied to all the food categories that make a substantial contribution to the salt intake of the Finnish population.
Food that is high in salt is required to carry a "high salt content" warning if the salt content is more than 1.1% in bread, 2% in sausages, 2.2% in cold meat cuts, 2% in fish products, 1.4% in cheese, 1.2% in ready to eat meals, and 1.4% in breakfast cereals or crisp bread. These limits were last updated in December 2016 and since then also apply to unpackaged cheese, sausages, and other meat products, where the information must be communicated in writing at the retail outlet in a readily accessible manner close to the unpacked food.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Nutri-score front-of-pack labeling — Germany
As of 2020, Germany has rolled out the Nutri-Score front-of-pack labeling scheme, which provides a combined scale of colours and letters designed to make it easier for consumers to recognise and compare the nutritional quality of products. This is a voluntary mechanism for businesses choosing to use this labeling scheme.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
EU Regulation Provision of Food Information to Consumers ⸻ Iceland
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, permits EU Member States to develop voluntary guidelines for front of pack nutrition information, to be used in addition to the mandatory nutrition information on the back of pack. Information on energy value, fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt content is permitted. Different styles of presentation (eg % Guideline Daily Allowances or traffic lights) are permitted. This Regulation is also applicable in Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein as members of the European Economic Area and Switzerland based on its bilateral agreements with the EU.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Keyhole Logo
In 2013, Iceland adopted the Swedish government's set nutritional criteria for the use of the Keyhole logo. The aim of the Keyhole logo is to help consumers choose products that contain less fat, salt and sugar. Use of the logo is voluntary, but products must conform to the nutrition criteria, which are identical among participant countries of the programme. New, stricter requirements came into force on 1 March 2015, with a transition period until 1 September 2016 for products adhering to the old requirements. Under the new requirements, Keyhole products will need to contain less salt, sugar and saturated fat, and more whole grains. For the first time, criteria were introduced for maximum salt content in meat and fish products.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Front of Pack Traffic Light Label
In March 2015, the Iranian government introduced a new version of the Food and Beverages labelling regulation that introduced a front of pack traffic light label. It displays individual information on the fat, sugar, salt, trans fatty acids and energy content of the product to improve consumer understanding. Green indicates low or a little amount of the corresponding nutritional risk factor, yellow indicates a moderate amount and red shows a high amount, with thresholds set for each colour. For example, the thresholds for salt quantity are green - less than 0.3g of salt per 100g of food, yellow - between 0.3g and 1.5g of salt per 100g of food, and red - more than 1g of salt per 100g of food. The label is mandatory for all industrial foods which are manufactured in, or imported into, Iran. The label is not mandatory for traditional foods and outlet foods. This advanced labelling protocol was implemented step by step over a period of 18 months, extended for another 12 months, and is now fully implemented.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Red Warning Label
On 1 January 2020, Israel introduced mandatory red warning labels for products high in saturated fat, sugar or salt. Maximum levels of salt, sugar and saturated fats are defined by the Ministry of Health specifically to apply to be applied to these red labels. Depending on their composition, foods and drinks can carry one, two, or three warning labels carrying these messages: high levels of sugar, high levels of salt, and/or high levels of saturated fat. Food and drinks manufacturers have been granted two deadlines by which to reformulate their products: 1 January 2020 and 1 January 2021. In the first stage, the following thresholds were set: 500mg of sodium, 13.5g of total sugars, and 5g of total saturated fats per 100g of solid food. Beyond these limits, solid foods will require a red label. For drinks (‘liquid food') these maximum limits are 400mg of sodium, 5g of total sugars, and 3g for total saturated fat per 100 ml. Starting with January 2021, both these sets of limits will be reduced, as follows: 400mg of sodium, 10g of total sugars, and 4g of total saturated fat for solid food; and 300mg of sodium, 5g of total sugars, and 3g of total saturated fat acid for drinks.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
National food quality scheme (Green Spoon and Burgundy Spoon)
The Green Spoon label was introduced in 2001 and it represents products that meet quality criteria and 75% of ingredients have originated in Latvia. Burgundy Spoon was introduced in 2014 and it represents products that meet quality criteria and are produced in Latvia.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
EU Regulation Provision of Food Information to Consumers ⸻ Liechtenstein
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, permits EU Member States to develop voluntary guidelines for front of pack nutrition information, to be used in addition to the mandatory nutrition information on the back of pack. Information on energy value, fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt content is permitted. Different styles of presentation (eg % Guideline Daily Allowances or traffic lights) are permitted. This Regulation is also applicable in Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein as members of the European Economic Area and Switzerland based on its bilateral agreements with the EU.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Keyhole Logo
In 2014, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania adopted the use of the Keyhole logo, with the goal of improving the health and nutrition of the population and stimulate the presence of health-friendly products on the market. According to order no. V-50 of 2014 (reviewed in 2021), products that meet the approved criteria may be voluntarily labelled with this symbol. The selection criteria identify products with less added sugar, salt, saturated fat, trans fat, no food sweeteners, and more dietary fiber in grain-containing products. These are developed based on the national nutritional criteria. The system has been implemented with the participation of the State Food and Veterinary Office and the Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with the Swedish National Food Agency (the originators of the Keyhole Logo). Labelling control is performed by the State Food and Veterinary Service.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Healthier Choice Logo
On 20 April 2017, the Minister of Health of Malaysia launched the Healthier Choice Logo in collaboration with food and beverages industries in Malaysia. The objectives of the Healthier Choice Logo are to: help consumers quickly identify healthier products within the same food category; assist consumers in making informed food choices through authentication of the logo displayed on the food products; educate the public on the use of approved products within a healthy and balanced eating pattern; and encourage and promote good practices among food industries in producing “healthier choice” products. Implementation of the Healthier Choice Logo is voluntary. Products bearing the logo indicate they meet a set of nutrient criteria, which exist for 42 sub-categories of foods and beverages. As of 15 May 2017, 48 products from various food and beverage companies have the Healthier Choice Logo.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Front-of-pack seals (the NOM-051 regulations)
On 24 January 2020, the Mexican Health Commission approved an amendment to regulation NOM-051, which mandates clearer mandatory nutritional information, new front of pack labelling specifications and advertising restrictions on pre-packaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages.
The new front-of-pack labelling (FOPL) requirements enter into force on October 1, 2020 and will increase in stringency up to October 1, 2025, when the regulations are expected to be implemented in full. The new FOPL specifications are mandatory for products containing added sodium, fat or sugar, as defined by the Ministry of Health. They require the inclusion of a warning stamp that products are in ‘Excess’ of energy, sugars, saturated fat, trans fat and sodium. For phase I of implementation (Oct 2020 – Sept 2023), the Ministry of Health set the following nutrient limits: energy ≥ 275 kcal for solid foods, and for liquids ≥ 70 kcal in total or ≥ 10 kcal due to free sugars; sugar ≥ 10 % of energy from free sugars (but drinks with <10kcal of free sugars are excepted from stamps; saturated fat ≥10% of total energy; trans fat ≥1% of total energy; sodium ≥ 350 mg or ≥ 45 mg in no calorie drinks. For phase II of implementation (October 2023 – Sept 2025), the limit for calories from free sugar decreases to ≥ 8 kcal, while sodium limits become ≥ 1 mg per kcal or ≥ 300 mg and ≥ 45 mg in no calorie drinks. The FOPL seals indicate excess, and have to be accompanied by warning messages that they are harmful to children if they contain any amount of added caffeine or non-sugar sweeteners, under the following format: ‘Contains sweeteners – not recommended for children’ and ‘Contains caffeine avoid giving to children’.
The measures related to mandatory nutritional labelling and advertising restrictions on pre-packaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages are expected to enter into foce on April 1, 2021, when companies will cease to be allowed to place stickers of the new labels and all products will need to include all three requirements in the design of their packages.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Health Star Rating (HSR)
In 2014, the government of New Zealand implemented a Health Star Rating (HSR) system as a voluntary scheme for industry adoption. It is a joint Australian, state and territory governments and New Zealand government initiative developed in collaboration with industry, public health and consumer groups. The HSR system takes into account four aspects of a food associated with increasing risk for chronic diseases; energy, saturated fat, sodium and total sugars content along with certain "positive" aspects of a food such as its content of fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes, and, in some instances, dietary fibre and protein. Star ratings range from ½ star (least healthy) to 5 stars (most healthy). Implementation is overseen by the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation, the Front-of-Pack Labelling Steering Committee, the Trans-Tasman Health Star Rating Advisory Committee, the New Zealand Health Star Rating Advisory Group and a Technical Advisory Group.
Mhurchu CN et al. (2017) Effects of a voluntary front-of-pack nutrition labelling system on packaged food reformulation: The Health Star Rating system in New Zealand. Nutrients 9(8), 918.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Heart Check Nutrition Labelling Programme
The Nigerian Heart Foundation developed the voluntary Heart Check front-of-pack labelling programme in collaboration with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). Products must meet nutritional criteria, set by the Nigerian Heart Foundation and approved by NAFDAC, on added sugar, sodium, fat as well as dietary fibre; oils and related products must meet criteria on trans fat and cholesterol. The Nigerian Heart Foundation grants permission to use the Heart Check logo on packaged food following a joint approval by NAFDAC and Nigerian Heart Foundation. The logo is in use since 2005; the criteria were last amended in January 2016.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
EU Regulation Provision of Food Information to Consumers ⸻Norway
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, permits EU Member States to develop voluntary guidelines for front of pack nutrition information, to be used in addition to the mandatory nutrition information on the back of pack. Information on energy value, fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt content is permitted. Different styles of presentation (eg % Guideline Daily Allowances or traffic lights) are permitted. This Regulation is also applicable in Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein as members of the European Economic Area and Switzerland based on its bilateral agreements with the EU.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Keyhole Logo
The Keyhole symbol has been used as a common Nordic labelling scheme on food products in Norway, Denmark and Sweden since 2009. Which food product groups that can be labelled with the Keyhole symbol and the criteria the products must meet, are determined by Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Icelandic authorities. Use of the logo is voluntary, but products must conform to the nutrition criteria, which are identical among participant countries of the programme. The aim of the Keyhole logo is to help consumers choose products that contain less fat, salt and sugar. The purpose of the scheme is also to stimulate the food industry to develop more products with less fat, healthier fatty acid composition, less salt and sugar as well as with more dietary fiber, whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
In Norway, the Directorate of Health and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority are responsible for the labelling scheme. Using the Keyhole symbol is voluntary, and it is the manufacturers’ responsibility to follow the set of criteria set by the authorities. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority is responsible for monitoring compliance with the regulations regarding use of the label. New, stricter requirements came into force on 1 March 2015, with a transition period until 1 September 2016 for products adhering to the old requirements. Under the new requirements, Keyhole products will need to contain less salt, sugar and saturated fat, and more whole grains. For the first time, criteria were introduced for maximum salt content in meat and fish products. Foods marked with the Keyhole contain more fiber and whole grains and less fat and saturated fat, sugar and salt, compared to other foods of the same type without the Keyhole. Some foods also contain more vegetables, fruits and berries.
The keyhole can be found on the packaging of the foods. You can also find the label on bread, meat and cheese that is not wrapped. All fresh fish, fruits, berries, vegetables and potatoes are keyhole products, even though they are not labeled with the Keyhole.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Decree on Health Warnings on the Promotion of Healthy Eating among Children and Adolescents
Since June 2019, under the Supreme Decree No. 012-2018-SA ‘Health Warnings on the Promotion of Healthy Eating among Children and Adolescents’, all processed food and drink products sold in Peru must carry a mandatory black and white nutrition warning label if they are high in salt, sugar and saturated fat, or contain trans fats. The label must be placed in the upper right-hand part of the product’s front label. Warning labels must be placed on drinks that contain 100mg or more of sodium per 100ml, 6g or more of sugar per 100ml, 3g or more of saturated fat per 100ml and on foods that contain 800mg or more of sodium per 100g, 22.5g or more of sugar per 100g, 6g or more of saturated fat per 100g or products that contain any trans fat (unless naturally occurring). Advertisements of these food products (via print and internet) must be accompanied by the display of these warning labels. Radio media and audio-visual (video, TV, cinema) advertisements of these food products must contain warnings that state “HIGH IN’ followed by a combination of SODIUM, SUGAR, and SATURATED FATS, along with a legend that is proportional to the duration of the advertisement such as “Avoid excessive consumption”. Furthermore, audio-visual advertisements for products containing trans-fats must contain audio warnings stating “CONTAINS TRANS FATS”, accompanied by the legend “Avoid consumption”.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
FDA voluntary front of pack label
On 13 December 2012, the Philippines Food and Drug Administration issued FDA Circular No. 2012-015 which set out guidelines for a voluntary front of pack label that applies to FDA-CFRR regulated products (processed and prepackaged food products). The label must appear on the lower right hand portion of the principal display panel and must outline the amount of energy per serving of the food, and the percentage of the calorie value based on the Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intakes (RENI) for energy. Producers need to submit their labels to the FDA for approval before they can be displayed.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Traffic light labelling
To encourage the private sector to adopt the placement of nutritional facts in the form of traffic lights on the front of the food product label, in terms of clarifying the product’s content of salt, sugar, and fat, to make it easier for the consumers to choose the products suitable for their health. The traffic light system uses a colour coding (red, amber, green) to several nutrients to indicate the relative healthiness of those nutrient levels on a voluntary basis. The traffic light was initiated as part of its efforts to promote public health and enable consumers to make healthier food choices, in order to prevent obesity and deal with the burden of NCDs across the country.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Healthier Choice Symbol
The government of Singapore introduced a Healthier Choice symbol in 1998 with defined nutrition criteria. Food manufacturers and retailers can voluntarily use the label on front-of-pack for products that meet the nutritional criteria. In 2003, the use of the symbol was extended to food service operators such as hawkers and restaurants. Food service operators can display the symbol next to dishes meeting the criteria. There is also a Healthy Snack symbol for products that are individually packed in small portions and meet specific nutrition guidelines. A refreshed Healthier Choice symbol, based on revised nutrient guidelines, was launched in September 2015 and existing products with the current symbol will have to be depleted by 1 January 2018. Products carrying the current symbol will need to re-apply to carry the revised symbol. Currently there are nutrition guidelines covering >60 food categories.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Little Heart Logo
In 1993, the Slovenian Heart Foundation initiated the Little Heart logo (formerly Protects Health label), a stylised heart that can be used on pre-packed food and menus in public canteens that meet the requirements of the European Commission’s Regulation No. 1924/2006 on Nutrition and Health Claims made on Foods. Underneath the heart symbol, the specific nutritional properties are listed that the product meets (eg low fat content, rich in fibre) and which make it a healthier choice compared with other food products in the same category. The initiative is supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Special Act on Safety Control of Children's Dietary Life
The South Korean Special Act on Safety Control of Children's Dietary Life recommends colour-coded labelling for use on the front of pre-packaged children's "favourite food" including cookies/candies/popsicles, breads, chocolates, dairy products, sausage (fish or meat based), some beverages, instant noodles and fast food (seaweed rolls, hamburgers, sandwiches). Guidance for the front-of-pack colour-coded labelling was issued by Public Notice (2011), and outlines three permitted designs using green, amber and red to identify whether products contain low, medium or high levels of total sugars, fat, saturated fat, and sodium.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Traffic light labelling system
On 1 May 2016, a traffic light labelling system for beverages was implemented in Sri Lanka after the government introduced a regulation under Section 32 of the Food Act, No. 26 of 1980. The regulation states that drinks that contain more than 11g of sugar per 100ml of drink should have a red label, drinks that contain 2–11g per 100ml should have an amber label and drinks containing less than 2g per 100ml should have a green label. The regulations have been enforced with raids carried out on retailers by Ministry of Health officers, and legal action is threatened for those who do not comply with the regulation under Section 32, as above.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Keyhole Logo
The Swedish government set nutritional criteria for the use of the Keyhole logo established in Sweden in 1989 and launched as a common Nordic label on 17 June 2009 in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The Keyhole is a food label that identifies healthier food products within a product group and it aims to help consumers choose products that contain less fat, salt and sugar. Foods labelled with the Keyhole contain less sugars and salt, more fibre and wholegrain and healthier or less fat than food products of the same type not carrying the symbol. Use of the logo is voluntary, but products must conform to the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, which are identical among participant countries of the programme and are founded on scientific research.
New, stricter requirements came into force on 1 March 2015, with a transition period until 1 September 2016 for products adhering to the old requirements. Under the new requirements, Keyhole products will need to contain less salt, sugar and saturated fat, and more whole grains. For the first time, criteria were introduced for maximum salt content in meat and fish products. Further, starting in 2021, the Keyhole logo can be added to plant-based foods and to healthier ready-made meals.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
EU Regulation Provision of Food Information to Consumers ⸻ Switzerland
EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, passed in 2011, permits EU Member States to develop voluntary guidelines for front of pack nutrition information, to be used in addition to the mandatory nutrition information on the back of pack. Information on energy value, fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt content is permitted. Different styles of presentation (eg % Guideline Daily Allowances or traffic lights) are permitted. This Regulation is also applicable in Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein as members of the European Economic Area and Switzerland based on its bilateral agreements with the EU.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
FDHA Ordinance of 16 December 2016 on Information on Foodstuffs
FDHA Ordinance of 16 December 2016 on Information on Foodstuffs defines the principles and requirements for the provision of information on foodstuffs and, in particular, regulates their labelling at the time they are supplied to consumers as well as their advertising.The nutritional value declaration is mandatory for all foodstuffs, except for foodstuffs according to Appendix 9 which includes drinks with an alcohol content of more than 1.2% by volume.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Nutri-Score - Switzerland
The Nutri-Score is a voluntary food labeling exercise by producers. It shows on a color scale from A to E how balanced a product is put together. With the Nutri-Score you can compare similar foods at a glance.
The label can be found on the front packaging of various foods. It shows the nutritional value at a glance. The Nutri-Score is calculated using a scientifically validated method. To obtain the final product score per 100 g or 100 ml, the calculation takes into account elements to promote (the content of fruits and vegetables, legumes, fibres, nuts and proteins)and elements to limit (the content of sugars, salt, saturated fat and calories).
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs) Label & the Healthier Choices Logo
The Ministry of Public Health Notification (No. 374) BE. 2559 (2016) issued by the Thai Food and Drug Administration requires five categories of food (snack, chocolate, bakery, semi-processed food and chilled or frozen meal) to carry a Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs) label.
In August 2016, the voluntary Healthier Choices logo was launched in Thailand, a front-of-pack labelling scheme to help consumers identify healthier food choices (Notification of the Ministry of Public Health No. 373, B.E.2559 2016, Re: The Display of Nutrition Symbol on Food Label, 12 February 2016). The logo was developed in collaboration between the National Food Commission, the Ministry of Health's Food and Drug Administration, the Health Promotion Foundation and Mahidol University. The Healthier Choices logo is owned by the Thai Food and Drug Administration, and its use is managed by the Nutrition Promotion Foundation of Mahidol University. The logo can be applied to beverages, sauces and condiments, dairy products, ready-to-eat meals, instant food and snacks; it is intended to eventually cover all food products. To be eligible for the logo, fish sauce must not contain more than 6g of sodium per 100ml, and soy sauce not more than 5g sodium per 100ml. Beverages must not contain more than 6g of sugar per 100ml if they are sold in single-serving containers; in beverages sold in containers that exceed 150% of a single serving, sugar must not exceed 18g per container. All other food must not exceed 500kcal and has to reach at least 20 points out of an achievable 40 points on the required nutrient content. The point system contains minimum and maximum levels of total fat, saturated fat, total sugar, protein, sodium, calcium fibre and iron in six categories, ranging from 0 (worst) to 5 (best).
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The Weqaya Logo
In 2015, the Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) introduced the voluntary Weqaya food programme which allows food producers to use the Weqaya logo on products which satisfy the criteria set out in the Specification for using the Weqaya food programme (ADS 13/2015). The logo consists of a heart shape in which the word ‘Weqaya’ is written, meaning ‘prevention’ in Arabic. The specifications require that products must adhere to maximum levels of calories, total fat, saturated and trans fat, sodium, added, total and naturally occurring sugars, and cholesterol. In addition, they may not be deep fried or contain artificial sweeteners and flavours. Flour, rice and grain-based products must contain minimum amounts of whole grains and fibre to be permitted to bear the logo. The only beverages allowed under the programme are unsweetened 100% vegetable juices, and unsweetened low fat milk and other fermented dairy products.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
The "Multiple Traffic Light" Front of Pack Nutrition Labelling – UK
EU Regulation No. 1169/2011 allows voluntary repetition on pre-packed food labels of those elements of the mandatory nutrition declaration that are of key importance for public health. Colour coding is an additional form of expression. In 2013, UK Ministers recommended the ‘multiple traffic light’. This label uses a colour coded system to provide simplified ‘at a glance’ information to help consumers determine if the prepacked food they are considering purchasing is high (red), medium (amber) or low (green) in fat, saturated fat, sugars and salt. If providing front of pack nutrition labelling, energy must be declared as kJ/kcal per 100g/mL as a minimum.
Front of pack nutrition labels, or labels that use interpretational aids such as colours and symbols can support healthy choices and may reduce obesity rates by communicating complex nutritional information to shoppers in a way that is easy to understand. This in turn may reduce dietary intakes of calories and nutrients, such as salt, saturated fat and sugar which, if overconsumed, have been linked to chronic disease and may also help consumers to control their calorie intake.
In 2012, following significant research on labelling schemes, the UK Government and Devolved Administrations consulted on how greater consistency and clarity on FOPNL might be achieved. In 2013 UK Health Ministers recommended the voluntary multiple traffic light label, a colour-coded system which shows at a glance whether a product is high (red) medium (amber) or low (green) in fat, saturated fat, salt and sugars, including the total energy (kilocalories and kilojoules) it provides.
Between 30 July – 21 October 2020 the UK Government held a four-nation evidence-gathering consultation on our front of pack nutrition labelling scheme to consider whether improvements were needed.
• This invited views and evidence on the
o Current multiple traffic light scheme
o New international examples
o Whether FOPNL should reflect latest dietary advice
• Alongside the consultation we commissioned the Obesity Policy Research Unit to test which FOPNL options support people to make healthier choices.
Sacks G et al. (2009) Impact of front-of-pack ‘traffic-light’ nutrition labelling on consumer food purchases in the UK. Health Promotion International, 24(4), 344-352.
N Nutrition labels > Interpretative & warning labels
Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
On-shelf labelling
The Food Safety Act
The Food Safety Act 2009 requires on-shelf labelling for canned luncheon meat, canned meat containing other food that has more than 20% fat, and for all minced meats and sausages sold unpackaged. The label should read "This brand of canned luncheon meat/canned meat with (name of the other food) is high in fat. For a healthy diet eat less". It is reported to not be widely implemented.
N Nutrition labels > On-shelf
The Pure Food (Food Control) Regulations
The Pure Food (Food Control) Regulations 2009 in the Solomon Islands require on-shelf labeling for canned luncheon meat, canned meat containing other food that has more than 20% fat, and for all minced meats and sausages sold unpackaged. The label should read "This brand of canned luncheon meat/canned meat with (name of the other food) is high in fat. For a healthy diet eat less". It is reported to not be widely implemented.
N Nutrition labels > On-shelf
Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
Calorie and nutrient labelling on menus and displays in out-of-home venues
For more policy actions related to out-of-home venues see policy area S – Set incentives and rules to create a healthy retail and food service environment.
Download results (CSV)Guidelines on fast food menu labelling
In 2010, the Nutrition Section of the Ministry of Health of Bahrain developed voluntary menu labelling recommendations for fast food chain restaurants. Nutrients are mostly displayed per portion and include calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates, salt and sugar. Menu labelling may be done in a variety of ways such as on panels at ordering counters and checkouts or on food tray sheets. The main fast food chains operating in Bahrain have implemented the menu labelling recommendations (such as Burger King, McDonald’s, Diary Queen, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Subway and Jasmi’s).
N Nutrition labels > Menus
The Healthy Menu Choices Act
In effect since 1 January 2017, Ontario’s Healthy Menu Choices Act, 2015 (passed in May 2015 as part of the Making Healthier Choices Act, 2015 (Bill 45) and accompanied by Ontario Regulation 50/16) requires food service premises that are part of a chain of 20 or more food service premises in Ontario (as well as certain cafeteria-style food service premises) to display calories for “standard food items” on menus, labels and display tags. Regulated food service premises include restaurants, quick-service restaurants, convenience stores, grocery stores, movie theatres, public-facing cafeterias, food trucks and others. “Standard food items” are restaurant-type food or drink items (eg ready-to-eat items) that are sold or offered for sale in servings that are standardised for portion and content. Menus include paper menus, menu boards, electronic menus, drive-through menus, online menus or menu applications, advertisements and promotional flyers. Food service premises must also display information on daily caloric requirements. Ontario’s 36 public health units are responsible for implementation of the Act. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care developed an implementation guide, fact sheets and a frequently asked questions document to facilitate and streamline implementation.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
Voluntary calorie labelling
In 2012, the Minister for Health called on all standard food service businesses to voluntarily display calories on food and drinks served in Ireland under the calorie menu labelling scheme as part of a multi-faceted approach to reduce the burden of overweight and obesity. To assist this, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) published a guide to ensure that the calorie information provided was useful for customers. This guide revolves around four core principles: 1) to provide calorie information on all standard food and drink items sold, 2) to have this information displayed clearly andprominently at the ‘point of choice’ for the consumer, 3) to display this information per portion or per meal and 4) to include information regarding average daily calorie needs so consumers can ‘make sense’ of calorie references on menus.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
Guidelines on Advertisement and Nutrition Labelling for Fast Food Restaurants
Based on the voluntary 2008 Guidelines on Advertisement and Nutrition Labelling for Fast Food Restaurants, Malaysian fast food restaurants are encouraged to display nutrient information on energy, carbohydrates, protein, fat and sodium for food and total sugar for beverages. Restaurants are free to decide how they display this information (eg on-pack labelling, brochures, posters in the outlet). Implementation of the Guidelines is not monitored but the Ministry of Health periodically engages with the fast food industry to urge companies to implement the Guidelines.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
Principles for Introducing Point-of-Sale Nutrition Information in Standard Food Outlets
In October 2011, the (then) Legislative and Governance Forum on Food Regulation endorsed a set of principles to facilitate national consistency if jurisdictions elect to introduce state or territory based legislation for the display of point-of-sale nutrition information in standard food outlets. Based on these national principles the following regulations are in place: The QLD Health Legislation Amendment Act 2016 in the Australian Capital Territory (amendments to Food Regulation 2002 in effect since February 2012) and the states of New South Wales (Food Regulation 2010, in effect since February 2011), South Australia (amendments to Food Regulation 2002 in effect since February 2012), Queensland (amendments to Food Act 2006, passed in March 2016, enforceable from March 2017) and Victoria (amendment to Food Act 1984 in effect since 1 May 2018) require restaurant chains (eg fast food chains, ice cream bars) with ≥20 outlets in the state (or seven in the case of ACT), or 50 or more across Australia, to display the kilojoule content of food products on their menu boards. The display must be clear and legible. Average adult daily energy intake of 8,700kJ must also be prominently featured. Other chains/food outlets are allowed to provide this information on a voluntary basis, but must follow the provisions of the legislation (except in Victoria where voluntary display need not comply with the legislation). Work is currently underway to consider approaches to achieve better national consistency in menu labelling across Australia.
Wellard L et al. (2015) The availability and accessibility of nutrition information in fast food outlets in five states post-menu labelling legislation in New South Wales. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 39(6), 546-549.
New South Wales Food Authority (2013) Evaluation of Kilojoule Menu Labelling. NSW Food Authority, Newington, NSW.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
Putting Calories on Food Establishments Menu's Selling Away-From-Home Foods
In August 2018, the SFDA enacted the “Putting Calories on Food Establishments Menu’s Selling Away-From-Home Foods” policy. It applies to all food establishments, such as restaurants, cafés, ice cream shops, juice shops, bakeries, and cafeterias. The regultation makes displaying calories on menus in restaurants and cafes to enable the consumer to make healthier choices within his daily caloric needs mandatory. Temporary and daily foods and special orders are exempt from the regulations.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
The Special Act on Safety Control of Children's Dietary Life
Since 2010, the South Korean Special Act on Safety Control of Children’s Dietary Life has required all chain restaurants with 100 or more establishments to display nutrient information on menus including energy, total sugars, protein, saturated fat and sodium on menus.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
The Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation
Since July 2015, convenience store chains, drink vendor chains and fast food chains have to label the sugar and caffeine content of prepared-when-ordered drinks (eg coffee- and tea-based drinks, fruit and vegetable juices) according to a regulation based on the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation. The amount of sugar added to drinks (specified in sugar cubes) and its calorie content have to be displayed on drink menus and/or notice boards in a prescribed minimum font. In addition, different colours have to be used to signal the level of caffeine contained in coffee drinks. It is reported that many stores are not compliant with these labelling requirements due to lack of resources.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
The Responsibility Deal
In England, as part of the government’s Responsibility Deal, 45 out-of-home businesses committed to provide calorie information on menus and display boards, including some leading companies. Although voluntary, the label had to follow a standard government model. The Out of Home Calorie Labelling pledge was implemented in September 2011. The Responsibility Deal was operational during the coalition government from 2010 to 2015.
Expired policy
Knai C et al. (2017) An evaluation of a public–private partnership to reduce artificial trans fatty acids in England, 2011–2016. European Journal of Public Health, ckx002, 1-4.
Durand MA et al. (2015) An evaluation of the Public Health Responsibility Deal: Informants’ experiences and views of the development, implementation and achievements of a pledge-based, public–private partnership to improve population health in England. Health Policy, 119(11), 1506-1514.
Knai C et al. (2015) Has a public-private partnership resulted in action on healthier diets in England? An analysis of the Public Health Responsibility Deal food pledges. Food Policy, 54, 1-10.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ⸻NYC
In 2008, New York City was the first jurisdiction to require calorie labelling in chain restaurants. The calorie labelling rule within the NYC Health Code was updated in 2015, with enforcement as of 22 May 2017. All covered food service establishments must now include two new nutrition statements on menus and menu boards (“2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice, but calorie needs vary” and “Additional nutritional information available upon request”), have comprehensive nutrition information on-site and provide it to anyone who requests it, and provide calorie information for multiple-serving standard menu items, combination meals with choices, self-service food, food on display, menu items with a choice of toppings and temporary menu items. This rule affects any establishment that requires a Health Department permit and is part of a chain with ≥15 locations in the US. The updated rule also covers chain food retail establishments that offer restaurant-type food.
Elbel B et al. (2013) Calorie Labeling, Fast Food Purchasing and Restaurant Visits. Obesity, 21(11): 2172-2179.
Krieger JW et al. (2013) Menu Labeling Regulations and Calories Purchased at Chain Restaurants. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 44(6), 595-604.
Dumanovsky et al. (2011) Changes in energy content of lunchtime purchases from fast food restaurants after introduction of calorie labelling: cross sectional customer surveys. BMJ,343, d4464.
Finkelstein et al. (2011) Mandatory Menu Labeling in One Fast-Food Chain in King County, Washington. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 40(2), 122-127.
Elbel B et al. (2009) Calorie Labeling And Food Choices: A First Look At The Effects On Low-Income People In New York City. Health Affairs, 28(6), 1110-1121.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Section 4205 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) created a new clause 403(q)(5)(H) in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (1938) which requires that all chain restaurants with 20 or more establishments display energy information on standard menu items. The implementing regulations were published by the Food and Drug Administration on 1 December 2014. Despite implementation being delayed several times, the regulation went into effect 7 May 2018. Two states (California, Vermont), seven counties (eg King County, WA and Albany County, NY) and two municipalities (New York City, Philadelphia) have already implemented regulations requiring chain restaurants (often chains with more than a given number of outlets) to display calorie information on menus and display boards. These regulations will be pre-empted by the national law once implemented; local governments will still be able to enact menu labelling regulations for establishments not covered by national law (eg food trucks or restaurants not part of a chain which have not self-certified to voluntarily comply with the calorie labelling requirements). The regulations also require vending machine operators of more than 20 vending machines to post calories for food where the on-pack label is not visible to consumers. Implementation for vending machine operators is required by 26 July 2018.
Elbel B et al. (2013) Calorie Labeling, Fast Food Purchasing and Restaurant Visits. Obesity, 21(11): 2172-2179.
Krieger JW et al. (2013) Menu Labeling Regulations and Calories Purchased at Chain Restaurants. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 44(6), 595-604.
Dumanovsky et al. (2011) Changes in energy content of lunchtime purchases from fast food restaurants after introduction of calorie labelling: cross sectional customer surveys. BMJ, 343, d4464.
Finkelstein et al. (2011) Mandatory Menu Labeling in One Fast-Food Chain in King County, Washington. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 40(2), 122-127.
Elbel B et al. (2009) Calorie Labeling And Food Choices: A First Look At The Effects On Low-Income People In New York City. Health Affairs, 28(6), 1110-1121.
N Nutrition labels > Menus
Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
Warning labels on menus and displays in out-of-home venues
For more policy actions related to out-of-home venues see policy area S – Set incentives and rules to create a healthy retail and food service environment.
Download results (CSV)The Energy Drinks Law
In January 2016, the parliament of Latvia approved the Law on the handling of energy drinks, implemented on 1 June 2016. Retailers are required to display all energy drinks separately from other food items, and display a note at the point of sale stating "High caffeine content. Not recommended for children and pregnant and breastfeeding women''. The Law also contains marketing restrictions (see “R – Restrict food advertising and other commercial promotion”).
N Nutrition labels > Warning labels on menus
Sugar Labelling
Sugar reduction projects were established and implemented in 2015 after the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey analyzed people's sugar intake from 2007 to 2013. The results showed an increasing trend of sugar consumption particulatly for those aged 3-19 years old. Within this age group, sugar consumption was more than 10% of total energy intake.
N Nutrition labels > Warning labels on menus
The New York City Health Code
Following an amendment to Article 81 of the New York City Health Code (addition of section 81.49), chain restaurants are required to put a warning label on menus and menu boards, in the form of a salt-shaker symbol (salt shaker inside a triangle), when dishes contain 2,300mg of sodium or more. It came into effect on 1 December 2015 and applies to food service establishments with 15 or more locations nationwide. In addition, a warning statement is required to be posted conspicuously at the point of purchase: “Warning: [salt shaker symbol] indicates that the sodium (salt) content of this item is higher than the total daily recommended limit (2300 mg). High sodium intake can increase blood pressure and risk of heart disease and stroke.” As of May 2017, nine out of ten NYC chain restaurants were in compliance.
N Nutrition labels > Warning labels on menus
Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
Rules on nutrient claims (ie nutrient content and nutrient comparative claims)
Nutrient claims – Australia
Nutrition, Health and Related Claims Standard 1.2.7 (2013) introduces rules on the use of nutrition content claims (levels of fat for a low-fat claim) in Australia. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the Standard, there are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Austria
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
Regulation 1924/2006 also establishes rules about health claims, for more details, see "N – Rules on health claims (ie nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims)".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient content lists- Bahrain
In the Gulf Cooperation Council, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Belgium
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. Nutrition claims (referring to nutrient content claims or comparative claims, i.e. energy-free, low fat or reduced content of sugar) are allowed if listed in the annex of the Regulation and comply with the conditions of use applying for them. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims. The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims. According to the Regulation, nutrition and health claims should only be used if complying with specific nutrient profiles (to be established) in order to avoid their use on foods with a nutritional composition that have a negative impact on health, i.e. high content of saturated fat, sugar or salt. However, these nutrient profiles have not yet been established and are pending since 2010.
Regulation 1924/2006 also establishes rules about health claims, for more details, see "N – Rules on health claims (ie nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims)".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient claims – Brazil
In Brazil, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving). Most other countries follow Guideline CAC/GL 2-1985 from the Codex Alimentarius Commission in requiring nutrition labels only when a nutrition or health claim is made and/or on food with special dietary uses.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Bulgaria
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
Regulation 1924/2006 also establishes rules about health claims, for more details, see "N – Rules on health claims (ie nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims)".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient claims – Costa Rica
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) establishes rules on the use of specified nutrient content claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the Regulation, there are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Croatia
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Cyprus
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Czech Republic
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Denmark
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. Nutrition claims (referring to nutrient content claims or comparative claims, i.e. energy-free, low fat or reduced content of sugar) are allowed if listed in the annex of the Regulation and comply with the conditions of use applying for them. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims. The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims.
According to the Regulation, nutrition and health claims should only be used if complying with specific nutrient profiles (to be established) in order to avoid their use on foods with a nutritional composition that have a negative impact on health, i.e. high content of saturated fat, sugar or salt. However, these nutrient profiles have not yet been established and are pending since 2010.
Regulation 1924/2006 also establishes rules about health claims, for more details, see "N – Rules on health claims (ie nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims)".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient claims – El Salvador
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) establishes rules on the use of specified nutrient content claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the Regulation, there are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Estonia
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Finland
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – France
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Germany
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Greece
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient claims – Guatemala
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) establishes rules on the use of specified nutrient content claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the Regulation, there are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient claims – Honduras
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) establishes rules on the use of specified nutrient content claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the Regulation, there are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU Nutrient content claims ⸻ Hungary
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met.
Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Iceland
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). This Regulation is also applicable in Iceland as a member of the European Economic Area. As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Regulation on The Control of Claims on Processed Food Labelling and Advertisements
The Indonesian Regulation HK. (2011) on The Control of Claims on Processed Food Labelling and Advertisements establishes rules on the use of specified nutrient content claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). The Regulation applies to any food product or beverage that has been processed. Generally, any nutrition or health claim may only be used on processed food or beverages if they do not exceed a certain level of fat and natrium per serving (13g total fat, 4g saturated fat, 60mg cholesterol and 480mg natrium). The Regulation sets out certain exceptions from this rule, detailed in its annexes, whereby products exceeding these limits may still contain certain nutrient or health claims ("low in [name of nutrient]" and "free from [name of nutrient]" claims; claims related to fibre, phytosterol and fitostanol; certain disease risk reduction claims).
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Ireland
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Regulation 1924/2006 -The Nutritional Claims Regulations
EU regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). In Italy, the agency responsible with the enforcement of these regulations it the Directorate General for Hygiene and Safety of Food and Nutrition (DGISAN). In theory, nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established.
A new target date was announced for the end of 2022, as part of the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy. Therefore, only nutrition claims as listed in the EU Regulation’s Annex are permitted. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply:
- nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation
- a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient content lists - Kuwait
In the Gulf Cooperation Council, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Labelling requirements for prepacked food
The Regulations prescribe the requirements for the labeling of prepacked food. Nutrition and health claims shall be used in the labeling, presentation and advertising of foods in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 258/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006. 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Latvia
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Liechstenstein
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim).This Regulation is also applicable in Iceland as a member of the European Economic Area. As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims — Lithuania
EU regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim).
In theory, nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as ""healthy"" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, as of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the EU Regulation’s Annex are permitted.
Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed ""healthy"", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Luxembourg
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
The Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims
The Malaysian Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims (as at December 2010) establishes rules on the use of nutrient content claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim) and nutrient comparative claims (eg comparison between an old and new product formulation). The Guide also contains a list of permitted nutrient function claims (ie a claim about the physiological role of a nutrient), including the minimum required amount and additional conditions to be fulfilled (eg the source of the nutrient). Disease risk reduction claims are prohibited. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the Guide, there are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food. Labelling legislation was overhauled in 2003 and all new legislation was incorporated into the existing Food Act of 1983 and Food Regulations of 1985. The Malaysian Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims (as at December 2010) contains the legislation as of 2003 as well as all amendments up to December 2010.
Regulation NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1 (2010) sets rules for the use of nutrition content claims. It prohibits the use of false and misleading claims on labels, especially those that relate to dietary guidance, eating habits and nutritional properties of food. No disease risk reduction claims are allowed. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the Regulation, there are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrition and Health Claims Regulations
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established.
Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Malta
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Netherlands
EU regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). In the Netherlands, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) oversees the application of these regulations.
As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient claims – New Zealand
Nutrition, Health and Related Claims Standard 1.2.7 (2013) introduces rules on the use of nutrition content claims (levels of fat for a low-fat claim) in New Zealand. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the Standard, there are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient claims – Nicaragua
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) establishes rules on the use of specified nutrient content claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the Regulation, there are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Norway
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim).This Regulation is also applicable in Norway as a member of the European Economic Area. As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted.
In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met.
Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient content lists - Oman
In the Gulf Cooperation Council, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Poland
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Portugal
EU Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (i.e. levels of fat for a low-fat claim). In theory, nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, as of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the EU Regulation’s Annex are permitted.
If nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy" though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
The agency responsible for the implementation of this regulation in Portugal is the Economic and Food Safety Authority.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient content lists- Qatar
In the Gulf Cooperation Council, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Romania
In Romania, nutrition claims are under the remit of HG 723/2011 on establishing the legal framework necessary for the application of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods.
HG 106/2006 introduced nutrition labelling as mandatory when a nutrition claim appears on the label or in the marketing and advertising of the products. The labelling system introduced as part of this regulation uses the proportion of daily intake (e.g. %GDA or %RI) for the following: energy value, protein, carbohydrate, sugars, fat, saturated fatty acids, fibre and sodium.
EU regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). Nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, as of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the EU Regulation’s Annex are permitted. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient content lists - Saudi Arabia
In the Gulf Cooperation Council, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Slovakia
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Slovenia
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
The Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act
Section 15(1) of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics, and Disinfectants Act (by means of regulation of 2010, effective from March 2012) defines the nutrient content claims permitted in South Africa and establishes rules for their use (eg levels of fat permitted in a food product bearing a low fat claim). Nutrient content claims must be substantiated by nutritional information, and the use of terms such as "health", "healthy", "wholesome" or "nutritious" is not allowed. Although nutrition content claims need to meet certain criteria set out in the regulation, there are no generalised nutritional criteria which restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
The Food Sanitation Act
The rules on the use of nutrient claims were established in July 2000 under Section 4 of the South Korean Food Sanitation Act (food labelling). The law regulates which claims are permitted, defines the conditions that must be met for the claim, and governs the language that may be used.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims regulation – Spain
Regulation nº 1924/2006 establishes EU–wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). In Spain, the National Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición – AESAN) coordinates the application of this regulation. In theory, nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, as of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the EU Regulation’s Annex are permitted.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Sweden
EU regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim). In theory, nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, as of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the EU Regulation’s Annex are permitted. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
EU nutrient claims – Switzerland
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrient content and comparative claims (ie levels of fat for a low-fat claim).Switzerland amended its foodstuff law based on its bilateral agreements with the EU to include permitted EU nutrient claims. As of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the Regulation’s annex are permitted. In theory, these nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the annex are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, nutrition claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy", though two notable exceptions will apply: nutrition claims referring to the reduction of fat, saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt/sodium will be allowed without reference to a profile for the specific nutrient, provided the claims comply with the conditions of the Regulation; and a nutrition claim may be used even if a single nutrient exceeds the nutrient profile as long as a statement in relation to this nutrient appears on the label in close proximity to, on the same side and with the same prominence, as the claim (the statement must read: 'High [name of nutrient] content').
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrient content lists- United Arab Emriates
In the Gulf Cooperation Council, producers and retailers are required by law to provide a list of the nutrient content of pre-packaged food products (with limited exceptions), even in the absence of a nutrition or health claim. The rules define which nutrients must be listed and on what basis (eg per 100g/per serving).
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrition claims – UK
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified nutrition claims. A nutrition claim is any claim which states, suggests or implies that a food has particular beneficial nutritional properties due to the presence, absence, increased or reduced levels of energy or of a particular nutrient or other substance, and includes claims such as “source of calcium”, “low fat”, “high fibre” and “reduced salt”. The regulation entered into force in the EU in 2007. The body responsible with its implementation in the UK is the Foods Standards Agency (FSA). In England, responsibility for legislation on nutrition and health claims in England transferred from the FSA to the Department Health on 1 October 2010.
In theory, nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. Article 4 of the EU regulation states that nutritional profiles should be established before 2009 in order to lay down guidelines on which foods and / or food groups should be marketed with nutrition and health claims and which should not. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established as of 2020. Therefore, permitted nutrition claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim, as set out in the Regulation's annex, are met.
The same regulation include rules on health claims. For more details, see "N – Rules on health claims (ie nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims)".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
The Food Labelling Guide
In the US, nutrient content claims are generally limited to an FDA-authorised list of nutrients (Food Labeling Guide 1994, as last revised in January 2013). Packages containing a nutrient content claim must include a disclosure statement if a serving of food contains more than 13g of fat, 4g of saturated fat, 60mg of cholesterol or 480mg of sodium. Sugar and whole grain content are not considered.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on nutrient claims
Nutrition label standards and regulations on the use of claims and implied claims on food
Rules on health claims (ie nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims)
The Nutrition, Health and Related Claims Standard 1.2.7
The Australian Nutrition, Health and Related Claims Standard 1.2.7 (2013) includes rules for the use of general level (ie nutrient function) and high level (ie disease risk reduction) health claims on food labels and in advertisements. Industry were given until January 2016 to comply with the Standard. High level health claims must be pre-approved and listed. General level health claims can either be pre-approved and listed in the Standard or self-substantiated according to requirements of the Standard. Both types of health claims are only permitted on food that meet nutritional criteria, as defined by the nutrient profiling scoring criterion set out in the Standard.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Austria
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Belgium
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified health claims. Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims. It generally considers three types of health claims: 1) the 'Function Health Claims - relating to the growth, development and functions of the body; referring to psychological and behavioural functions; and on slimming or weight-control; 2) the 'Risk Reduction Claims' on reducing a risk factor in the development of a disease; 3) Health 'Claims referring to children's development'. The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims. On hold claims are possible for claims submitted on time, but for which no decision has been taken yet (with respect of the general conditions of the claim regulation).
Regulation 1924/2006 also establishes rules about nutrient claims, for more details see "N – Rules on nutrient claims (ie nutrient content and nutrient comparative claims)".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Bulgaria
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Health claims – Costa Rica
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) permits and regulates the use of nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims. Claims must be substantiated through information demonstrating the nutritional composition of the food, and the relationship between the claimed function of the food product and the beneficial effect on diet and health. The Ministry of Health has responsibility to approve the use of claims on food containing high levels of nutrients that can increase risk of illness or health problems. Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. There are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Croatia
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Cyprus
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Czech Republic
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Denmark
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Health claims (defined as any claim that states, suggest or implies that a relationship exist between a food category, a food or one of its constituents and health) are only allowed if authorised at EU level according to the Regulation. The Regulation deals with three types of health claims: 1) the 'Function Health Claims’ - relating to the growth, development and functions of the body; referring to psychological and behavioural functions; and on slimming or weight-control; 2) the 'Risk Reduction Claims' on reducing a risk factor in the development of a disease; 3) ‘Health Claims referring to children's development and health'. The EC approves claims provided they are based on scientific evidence and can be easily understood by consumers. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims. According to the Regulation the use of nutrition and health should only be used if complying with specific nutrient profiles (to be established) in order to avoid the use of nutrition and health claims on foods with a nutritional composition that have a negative impact on health, ie. high content of saturated fat, sugar or salt. However, these nutrient profiles have not yet been established.
Regulation 1924/2006 also establishes rules about nutrient claims, for more details see "N – Rules on nutrient claims (ie nutrient content and nutrient comparative claims)".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Health claims – El Salvador
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) permits and regulates the use of nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims. Claims must be substantiated through information demonstrating the nutritional composition of the food, and the relationship between the claimed function of the food product and the beneficial effect on diet and health. The Ministry of Health has responsibility to approve the use of claims on food containing high levels of nutrients that can increase risk of illness or health problems. Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. There are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Estonia
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Finland
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – France
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Germany
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Greece
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Health claims – Guatemala
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) permits and regulates the use of nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims. Claims must be substantiated through information demonstrating the nutritional composition of the food, and the relationship between the claimed function of the food product and the beneficial effect on diet and health. The Ministry of Health has responsibility to approve the use of claims on food containing high levels of nutrients that can increase risk of illness or health problems. Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. There are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Health claims – Honduras
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) permits and regulates the use of nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims. Claims must be substantiated through information demonstrating the nutritional composition of the food, and the relationship between the claimed function of the food product and the beneficial effect on diet and health. The Ministry of Health has the responsibility to approve the use of claims on food containing high levels of nutrients that can increase risk of illness or health problems. Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. There are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Hungary
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Iceland
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). This Regulation is also applicable in Iceland as a member of the European Economic Area. Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Regulation on The Control of Claims on Processed Food Labelling and Advertisements
The Indonesian Regulation HK. (2011) on The Control of Claims on Processed Food Labelling and Advertisements permits a limited number of listed nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims. The Regulation applies to any food product or beverage that has been processed. Generally, any nutrition or health claim may only be used on processed food or beverages if they do not exceed a certain level of fat and natrium per serving (13g total fat, 4g saturated fat, 60mg cholesterol and 480mg natrium). The Regulation sets out certain exceptions from this rule, detailed in its annexes, whereby products exceeding these limits may still contain certain nutrient or health claims ("low in [name of nutrient]" and "free from [name of nutrient]" claims; claims related to fibre, phytosterol and fitostanol; certain disease risk reduction claims).
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU Health Claims ⸻ Ireland
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU.
In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Regulation 1924/2006 -The Health Claims Regulations
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified health claims. The EC approves claims provided they are based on scientific evidence and can be easily understood by consumers. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims.
It generally considers three types of health claims:
1) the function health claims - relating to the growth, development and functions of the body; referring to psychological and behavioural functions; and on slimming or weight-control;
2) the risk reduction claims on reducing a risk factor in the development of a disease;
3) health claims referring to children's development.
The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Italy
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Health claims – Japan
In April 2015, Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA), the governmental organisation charged with oversight of food labelling and health claims, introduced a new category of health claim labelling for food called “Food with Functional Claims” (FFC). The other two categories are “Food for Specialized Health Uses” (FOSHU) and “Food with Nutrient Functional Claims” (FNFC), introduced in 1991 and 2001 respectively. Food with Functional Claims (FFC) allows companies to display a product’s specific health benefit (aka “functionality”) and an associated area of the human body on retail food packaging. The FFC registration process is more affordable and faster than the registration process for Food for Specialized Health Uses (FOSHU), which requires clinical trials of a product and individual approval from the CAA. Guidelines exist for FFC labelling contents. FFC claims cannot be made for foods that lead to an excessive intake of fat, cholesterol, sugar and/or sodium. The CAA also revised its regulations for Food with Nutrient Functional Claims (FNFC) in April 2015 to increase product eligibility, expand the list of eligible nutrients, and to include fresh foods.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU Health claims ⸻Latvia
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile.
This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Liechtenstein
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). This Regulation is also applicable in Liechtenstein as a member of the European Economic Area. Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU Health Claims — Lithuania
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified health claims. The EC approves claims provided they are based on scientific evidence and can be easily understood by consumers. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims. It generally considers three types of health claims: 1) the 'Function Health Claims - relating to the growth, development and functions of the body; referring to psychological and behavioural functions; and on slimming or weight-control; 2) the 'Risk Reduction Claims' on reducing a risk factor in the development of a disease; 3) Health 'Claims referring to children's development'. The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Luxembourg
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Malta
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Netherlands
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission (EC) and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established.
The EC approves claims provided they are based on scientific evidence and can be easily understood by consumers. It generally considers three types of health claims: 1) the 'Function Health Claims - relating to the growth, development and functions of the body; referring to psychological and behavioural functions; and on slimming or weight-control; 2) the 'Risk Reduction Claims' on reducing a risk factor in the development of a disease; 3) Health 'Claims referring to children's development'. The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Health claims – Nicaragua
A 2012 Central American Technical Regulation (67.01.60:10) permits and regulates the use of nutrient function and disease risk reduction claims. Claims must be substantiated through information demonstrating the nutritional composition of the food, and the relationship between the claimed function of the food product and the beneficial effect on diet and health. The Ministry of Health has responsibility to approve the use of claims on food containing high levels of nutrients that can increase risk of illness or health problems. Claims are not permitted on products that may promote or sanction excessive consumption of these nutrients or undermine good dietary practice. There are no generalised nutritional criteria that restrict their use on "unhealthy" food.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Norway
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). This Regulation is also applicable in Norway as a member of the European Economic Area. The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims. New approved or rejected health claims are made effective in Norway as soon as possible after they have been adopted by the European Commission. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010, but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. If nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Poland
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Portugal
EU Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified health claims. The EC approves claims provided they are based on scientific evidence and can be easily understood by consumers. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims. It generally considers three types of health claims: 1) the 'Function Health Claims - relating to the growth, development and functions of the body; referring to psychological and behavioural functions; and on slimming or weight-control; 2) the 'Risk Reduction Claims' on reducing a risk factor in the development of a disease; 3) Health 'Claims referring to children's development'. The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims.
The agency responsible for the implementation of this regulation in Portugal is the Economic and Food Safety Authority. Further, the Directorate-General for Consumers is the agency responsible for the implementation of this regulation with regards to advertising that includes these health claims.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Romania
In Romania, health claims are under the remit of HG 723/2011 on establishing the legal framework necessary for the application of Regulation (EC) 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods. Before HG 723 entered into force, HG 106/2006 mandated that foods labels must not attribute to food properties of preventing, treating or curing diseases or refer to such properties, except for natural mineral waters and any foods for particular nutritional uses authorized for this purpose by the Ministry of Health.
However, regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified health claims. The EC approves claims provided they are based on scientific evidence and can be easily understood by consumers. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims. It generally considers three types of health claims: 1) the 'Function Health Claims - relating to the growth, development and functions of the body; referring to psychological and behavioural functions; and on slimming or weight-control; 2) the 'Risk Reduction Claims' on reducing a risk factor in the development of a disease; 3) Health 'Claims referring to children's development'. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy". The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Requirements for Health and Nutrition Claims on Food Products
Establish requirements for the health and nutritional claims allowed and the conditions that must be followed on food product labels. To regulate the claims and avoid misleading the consumer.
In order for a product to contain a claim it must contain the following information related to the claim, such as:
- High fibre- product contains at least 6 grams of fiber per 100 gram or 3 grams of fibre per 100 kilocalories
- Source of protein- at least 12% of the energy value is provided from the protein.
- High protein - at least 20% of the energy value is provided from the protein.
- Source of Vitamins /minerals- when the product provides at least 15% of the nutrients reference value per 100 grams or 100 mls for any product except for drinks (7.5% og the NRV per 100 miles for a drink).
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Slovakia
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU Health Claim - Slovenia
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU.
In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
The Food Sanitation Act
The rules for the use of health claims are set out in the South Korean Health Functional Food Code, based on Article 17 of Section 3 (Standards, Specifications, Labelling and Advertisements) of the Health Functional Food Act 2004 (which has been amended several times). The Act allows for claims to be expressed in both words and diagrams. The Code lists the wording for allowed claims, sets out standards for manufacturing to be observed for each nutrient, and how much the actual nutrient content of the product may deviate from the labelled content (in percentage, ie beta-carotene must be within 80–150% of the labelled amount). The Code includes the recommended daily intake amount, generally expressed as a range between the minimum to maximum amount. If intake of a nutrient may cause negative health effects, a warning label has to be applied.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims regulation – Spain
Regulation nº 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified health claims. The European Commission approves claims provided they are based on scientific evidence and can be easily understood by consumers. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims. It generally considers three types of health claims: 1) the 'Function Health Claims - relating to the growth, development and functions of the body; referring to psychological and behavioural functions; and on slimming or weight-control; 2) the 'Risk Reduction Claims' on reducing a risk factor in the development of a disease; 3) Health 'Claims referring to children's development'.
In theory, nutrition claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, as of January 2010, only nutrition claims as listed in the EU Regulation’s Annex are permitted. The health claims approved and rejected appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims. New approved or rejected health claims are made effective in Spain as soon as possible after they have been adopted by the European Commission.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
EU health claims – Switzerland
Regulation 1924/2006 (applicable as of July 2007) establishes EU-wide rules on the use of health claims (claims on nutrient function, disease risk reduction and children's health). This Regulation is also applicable in Switzerland because the government amended its foodstuff law based on its bilateral agreements with the EU to include permitted EU health claims. Companies may only use health claims that are substantiated and authorised by the European Commission and Member States (various regulations authorising health claims to date). The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for verifying the scientific substantiation of claims; it has done so for claims currently in use and continues to do so for claims that are proposed and applied for by companies that want to use health claims in the EU. In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010 but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. Once nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Health claims – UK
Regulation 1924/2006 establishes EU-wide rules on the use of specified health claims. A health claim is any claim that states, suggests or implies that a relationship exists between a food category, a food or one of its constituents and health. This would include claims such as “calcium helps maintain normal bones”. More general claims such as “good for you” may also be health claims, and the Regulation takes these into account.
The EU approves claims provided they are based on scientific evidence and can be easily understood by consumers. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating the scientific evidence supporting health claims. It generally considered three types of health claims: 1) the 'Function Health Claims' (Article 13)- relating to the growth, development and functions of the body; referring to psychological and behavioural functions; and on slimming or weight-control; 2) the 'Risk Reduction Claims' (Article 14(1)(a)) on reducing a risk factor in the development of a disease; 3) Health 'Claims referring to children's development' (Article 14(1)(b) claims). The EU then considers whether the proposed claim should be authorised. Claims appear in the EU Commission's register of approved and rejected claims.
In theory, health claims may only be used on food defined as "healthy" by a nutrient profile. This nutrient profiling restriction was due to be implemented in 2010, but no model has yet been established. Therefore, permitted health claims can be used as long as the conditions for use of the claim as set out in the respective regulations are met. If nutrient profiles are established, health claims may only be used on food products deemed "healthy".
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (1990) & the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act (1997)
The use of disease risk reduction claims is permitted in the US. They are governed by specific rules in the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (1990) and the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act (1997). There are three categories of claims permitted:
- Claims judged by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to have "significant scientific agreement" (currently 12 claims).
- Claims supported by a published, current and authoritative statement by a federal scientific body or the National Academy of Sciences (currently six claims).
- "Qualified claims": these claims do not meet the above-mentioned standards but may be used if there is some scientific evidence to substantiate the claim provided they include a disclaimer referencing the scientific uncertainty. The FDA considers a number of factors in approving a claim, including the strength of the evidence and potential public health impact.
Health claims are generally not permitted if a food contains more than 13g of fat, 4g of saturated fat, 60mg of cholesterol, or 480mg of sodium. Sugar and whole grain content are not considered.
Companies may make nutrient function claims without notifying FDA, but such claims must be truthful and not misleading. Dietary guidance statements (eg, "Doctors recommend 3 servings of whole grains per day") are also permitted without FDA pre-approval but must be truthful and not misleading.
N Nutrition labels > Rules on health claims
Offer healthy food and set standards in public institutions and other specific settings
Fruit & vegetable initiatives in schools
The Crunch&Sip® Programme
Crunch&Sip® is a vegetable and fruit programme in Australia promoting the consumption of fruit, vegetables and water during class time ("Crunch&Sip time"). It involves students bringing in fruit, vegetables and water from home. It was launched in 2005 in Western Australia, and is currently funded by Healthway (a government agency that funds activities related to the promotion of good health, with a particular focus on young people) as part of the Australian government’s Go for 2&5® fruit and vegetable campaign, and coordinated by the Cancer Council Western Australia. It has since been extended to New South Wales (through the Healthy Kids Association) and South Australia (through the South Australian Dental Service). Funding is currently provided by each of the state governments. Schools participating in Crunch&Sip® are required to ensure that at least 80% of classes and 70% of students participate in the daily fruit and vegetable break. Schools need to endorse a supportive school policy and are encouraged to implement a parent communication strategy and develop curriculum material.
Myers G et al. (2018) A process and outcome evaluation of an in-class vegetable promotion program. Appetite, 125, 182-189.
Nathan N et al. (2011) Vegetable and fruit breaks in Australian primary schools: prevalence, attitudes, barriers and implementation strategies. Health Education Research, 26, 722-73.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Austria
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Belgium
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
In Wallonia, the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme is administered by SPW Agriculture. Primary and secondary schools can opt in to this programme.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Bulgaria
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
The Northern Fruit and Vegetable Program (NFVP)
Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care launched the Northern Fruit and Vegetable Program (NFVP) in Northern Ontario in 2006, in cooperation with the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Elementary and intermediate school-aged children receive fruit and vegetable snacks at no cost, in combination with healthy eating and physical activity education, twice per week from January to June. NFVP is currently delivered in three regions of Northern Ontario, in partnership with the local health units, school boards, and elementary and intermediate schools.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
The Vegetable & Fruit Snack Program
Manitoba’s Vegetable & Fruit Snack Program, launched in 2008, is funded by the Province of Manitoba and the Public Health Agency of Canada; the number of times pupils receive fruit and vegetable snacks per week depends on each school’s way of implementation.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
The School Fruit & Vegetable Nutritional Programme
British Columbia’s School Fruit & Vegetable Nutritional Programme, launched in 2005 and administered by the British Columbia Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation, provides fresh local fruit or vegetable snacks to schools every other week, 13 times in the school year. In 2013, the programme expanded to deliver milk to students in kindergarten to grade two. It is administered by the British Columbia Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation, and funded by the British Columbia Ministry of Health in partnership with the Ministries of Agriculture and Education.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Croatia
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Cyprus
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU Fruit and vegetable scheme ⸻Czech Republic
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Denmark
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
In Denmark, the School Fruit Programme is being offered to since 2017 to pre-schools, primary and secondary schools who want to participate in the scheme. The Danish Agricultural Agency coordinates this process and provides subsidies to applicants (schools or intermediaries such as municipalities or educational authorities. The Agency also developed and provides the associated educational materials free of charge (a cartoon for the youngest children and up to 6th grade or a quiz for the older children from 7th to 10th grade).
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme ⸻Estonia
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme ⸻ Finland
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating with maximum levels of salt content. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country.
The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
In August 2017, the legislation was amended so that only fat-free milk and fat-free sour cream are subsidised, and cheese was removed from the subsidy.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – France
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Germany
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Greece
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Hungary
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country.
The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
The scheme provides free fruits, vegetables and milk products to pre-schools and schools in order to increase children’s fruit and vegetable consumption in the long term, to change their eating habits and to combat overweight and obesity. Other aims: educating children to follow a healthy lifestyle, developing healthy eating habits, as well as raising awareness and changing thinking; improving children’s health and quality of life. In 2020/2021 school year more than 666.000 children got free fruits, vegetables and/or milk products regularly in more than 3700 pre-schools and primary schools.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU fruit and vegetable scheme – Ireland
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791). The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country. The implementation of the programmes is at the discretion of national or regional governments, but to receive funding, they must distribute fruit, vegetables and milk products in schools and implement educational measures, such as farm and market visits, educational material distributed to teachers and interactive games on education and nutrition, and regularly monitor and evaluate implementation. Foods containing added sugars, salt, fat, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhances are exempt from the scheme: as an exception, limited quantities of added sugar, salt and fat are allowed if they are approved by the Member States' health/nutrition authorities. The Member States determine the frequency and duration of the distribution of the food.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2012) Evaluation of the European School Fruit Scheme Final Report. European Commission, Brussels.
European Court of Auditors (2011) Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? Special Report No 10. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
O Offer healthy food > Fruit & veg in schools
EU School Fruit Programme
The EU School Fruit Scheme, launched in the 2009-2010 school year, merged with the EU School Milk Scheme on 1 August 2017 into one legal framework based on the Regulation on the new School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme (Regulation EU No 2016/791).
The scheme is funded through the EU’s common agricultural policy and supports the distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk and milk products to schools across the EU as part of a wider programme of education about European agriculture and the benefits of healthy eating. It provides financing to Member States based on the number of school children and level of development of the country.